Mishkon Tephilo invites residents to commemorate Yom Hashoah with a special screening of "End of the Line: Seeshaupt," the story of the final days of World War II, told through the experiences of concentration camp inmates who were loaded on a freight train, headed for certain death. Instead, the train took them from desperation to deliverance.
Meet 30-year Mishkonian Louis Sneh, a Holocaust survivor, who is featured in the film and speaks when so many other cannot. A Q&A with Sneh will follow. Brunch will be provided.
This event will be held in honor of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust & Heroism Remembrance Day, which occurs just days before the screening.
This free event will be held at 10 a.m. Sunday, April 19. Donations will be gratefully accepted. This is an AKCESS event.