This is not your mother's Cinderella. This movie is worth seeing just for the rich colors and captivating characters and storytelling. The characters are not cartoon caricatures, nor are they "black and white" in their approach to life — they are real, in all their varied shades of grey (no, not that "Shades of Grey" — this is a children's story).
The experience of the filmmakers is an asset here. Director/actor/writer Kenneth Branagh, known for directing "As You Like It," "Iron Man 2" and "Thor," has assembled a distinguished team of highly qualified filmmakers. Some work with him consistently: composer Patrick Doyle, cinematographer Haris Zambartoukos and editor Martin Walsh. Other crew are impressive as well, including award-winning production designer Dante Ferreti. Writer Chris Weitz got his start producing "American Pie" and has a resume of notable film and TV projects. These industry giants have spent many years honing their skills and here they create exquisite worlds with the special effects and CGI available now. The costumes and sets are works of art.
There were headlines criticizing Cinderella's (Lily James) tiny waist as being fabricated. James probably has a long waist, and the award-winning costume designer, Sandy Powell, used a long bodice with a deep V that cuts into a layered skirt to create a visual trick. If alarmed at her waist, you should also be stunned by Cate Blanchett as the stepmother — really, her waist looks the same size (hmmm ... perhaps no alarmist headlines since she's older). Blanchett is so skillful an actress that she is able to transform scene by scene from strong domineering mother into scheming defiant shrew. It is laudable that the prince in this version falls for Cinderella not because of her tiny waist or her beautiful face, but because she passes him in the forest on a galloping horse — obviously a seriously skilled horsewoman and thrill-seeker!
Adults will enjoy this film as much as the kids will. At my screening, the all-adult audience laughed and applauded like children at the developments of the story. There are some key signature Disney touches — fireworks and some very realistic mice that live in Cinderella's attic, to mention a couple. Make note that the mice do not speak a human language — children today have a more sophisticated concept of nature and how it's portrayed, and talking mice would have made the story cartoonish. Watch as the golden coach races to get home before it turns back into a pumpkin. The scene is brilliant — even more exciting than a modern-day freeway police chase with a spike-strip finish.
The screenplay is very well-crafted. A world is created that is so real, inhabited by characters so human, that the audience buys in. The filmmakers are not afraid to address hardships that happen to real kids, such as death of a loved one or change of living status — themes usually glossed over in children's stories. The motivating message of the movie, to "have courage and be kind," is brought home in grand style.
Rated PG. 105 minutes.
Kathryn Whitney Boole was drawn into the entertainment industry as a kid and never left. It has been the backdrop for many awesome adventures with crazy creative people. She now works as a Talent Manager with Studio Talent Group in Santa Monica. Reach her at