Samohi student club LEGADO LATINO, including its sub-clubs: Brown Minds Matter, Latinos Unidos, MEChA, Chicanx United, and club collaborator Brightly Boxed Buddies, had a graduation celebration to honor and recognize their graduating seniors on May 26.
The celebration consisted of traditional foods, music, dances, live mariachi and folkloric dance. Stoles, designed by Legado Latino Club students, were awarded to graduating students for their effort and participation in school events by throughout the current and all the years these students held membership within the clubs mentioned. Legado Latino and its sub clubs worked together using their own goals, interests, and abilities to provide a safe community for Latino/Hispanic students and shared our rich and diverse culture with our local community. My students left an indelible mark of contributions to the spirit of Legado Latino on SAMOHI and the community.
The stoles were presented to the students by participating community leaders,
SAMOHI staff, and professors such as myself, Dra. Mireles-Toumayan. In addition, The Better Dayz scholarship awarded a $1000.00 scholarship to a high deserving Latino student.
Recognition was also given as to individuals and organizations who have supported my students through the year, and have been critical support and help to the clubs, and me.
These include: Santa Monica History Museum (Lisa Dannenbaum),
PYFC (Alex Aldana), SAMOHI(Edgar Gonzales), LDC ( Ana Valdez), (AMAE) long time member Rosemary Menchaca, Cesar Rocha (Treasurer), and secretary Mark Marin, Claudia Bautista Nicholas (SMMUSD Union President), Mark Marin and family (Community Leaders), and Oscar de la Torre (Santa Monica City Council).