Chef Raphael Lunetta, owner of ‘Lunetta All Day’ and ‘Lunetta All Night,’ twin restaurants found in the Pico neighborhood completed his term as Chairman of the Santa Monica Travel & Tourism (SMTT) Board of Directors this month.
During his eight years of service to the organization and community, Lunetta proved to be an incredible leader, bringing deep knowledge and passion for small businesses. The opportunity to have an award-winning chef serve on SMTT’s Board of Directors opened many doors for Santa Monica to elevate its image as a world-class culinary destination. Not only did Santa Monicans get to appreciate his talents here at home, Raphael also shared these talents abroad as he traveled with the organization to promote the destination’s healthy dining scene in key target markets including the United Kingdom and Brazil.
Fellow members from SMTT’s Board of Directors wished Lunetta well as he wrapped up his duties at is last board meeting as Chairman for the organization.
“I have enjoyed the time that I have spent learning about you, and working with you to improve the quality of life for Santa Monicans as well as visitors, to our wonderful city,” said Darlene Evans, Member, SMTT Board of Directors.
“I admire your passion for life and for the beach, clean water, good people and providing exceptional food and service to the patrons of your restaurants as well as various SMTT events in which you have participated,” she added.
“It has been a pleasure working with Raphael,” said Neil Carrey, Member, SMTT Board of Directors. “He is a wonderful leader, but more importantly is a great spokesperson for the destination and champion of local business. I am proud to know him.”
“To my dear friend Raphael. You have always been supportive of me and a great leader to our SMTT board. You are a great community leader and you have my respect,” added Richard Chacker, Treasurer, SMTT Board of Directors.
SMTT thanks Lunetta for his enthusiasm and dedication and wishes him all the best with the bright future ahead.