The calendar year is drawing to a close, and 2016 is around the corner. For many, the final days of December are a time for reflecting on past accomplishments and crafting resolutions for future goals and commitments.
Will you seek a career promotion? Take up a new hobby? Travel to a place you’ve never explored before? Make a new friend? Shed a few pounds? Volunteer for a charity?
The Daily Press asked public officials and other community leaders to share their thoughts on what they’re hoping to see in the new year. The following is a sampling of their responses:
‘Getting things done’
Daily Press: What was your most significant event of 2015 and why?
Rick Cole, Santa Monica’s city manager: I believe the unanimous vote by the City Council on October 13 to shift from project-by-project development negotiations marks a promising new opportunity for Santa Monica. With unanimous adoption of the citywide zoning code in June, we can ensure future development is guided by a consistent, transparent and coherent framework once we complete work on the Downtown Community Plan.
DP: What do you hope the New Year holds for you?
RC: Getting things done. Expo, the Colorado Esplanade and the California Incline will open. Beginning with the adoption of the minimum wage, 2016 will be a year when Santa Monica continues to lead in creating a model city that works for everyone.
Focus on family
Daily Press: What do you hope the New Year holds for you?
City Councilmember Ted Winterer: My main resolution for 2016 is to be more wholly present with my wife and kids. I'm aware that too often when they're trying to converse with me, I'm preoccupied with my day job or Council matters and thus am guilty of not giving them my undivided attention, which they very much deserve. I need to learn to set aside my worries when I walk in the front door of our home and to fully engage with my family.
Helping the hungry
Daily Press: What was your most significant event of 2015 and why?
Chris Baca, Meals on Wheels West executive director: The continuous support of volunteers, individual donors, foundations and local business for MOW West is a yearlong event. Thank you!
DP: What do you hope the New Year holds for you?
CB: We hope that Meals on Wheels West can continue to help our neighbors in all the communities we serve to stay in their homes, living independent, healthy and enriched lives. We know that there is hidden hunger here in Santa Monica, Venice and all of the Westside. Please refer people who need help, volunteer to deliver more than a meal or donate to provide meals. Refer, volunteer, donate!