The City of Santa Monica (the City) has prepared an Initial Study and Negative Declaration for the City's 2013-2021 Housing Element. In compliance with State CEQA Guidelines Section 15072, the City has prepared this Notice of Intent to inform responsible agencies and other interested parties about the City's intent to adopt a negative declaration for the Housing Element.
PROJECT APPLICANT: City of Santa Monica Strategic & Transportation Planning Division
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The 2013-2021 Housing Element is an element of the City of Santa Monica General Plan that provides broad-based guidance to plan for housing needs over the next eight years. The 2013-2021 Housing Element is essentially an update of the 2008-2014 Housing Element that retains the same goals and objectives that guide the City's commitment to high quality housing for a diverse community, with an emphasis on efforts to produce affordable housing units and retain affordability and access to housing for households at all income levels. The 2013-2021 Housing Element has been developed to meet California State legal requirements, including the need to plan for the City's share of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), and is subject to review and certifi- cation by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
AVAILABILITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION: The draft 2013-2021 Housing Element and the Initial Study/Negative Declaration may be reviewed online at or in person at the following locations:
• City Planning Division Public Counter, Room 111, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica CA • Office of the City Clerk, Room 102, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica CA • Santa Monica Library, 601 Santa Monica Boulevard, Santa Monica CA • Fairview Branch Library, 2101 Ocean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica CA
• Montana Branch Library, 1704 Montana Avenue, Santa Monica CA • Ocean Park Branch Library, 2601 Main Street, Santa Monica CA
REVIEW PERIOD: As specified by the State CEQA Guidelines Section 15073, a 30-day public review period for the Negative Declaration will commence on October 4, 2013 and end on November 4, 2013. The City of Santa Monica welcomes agency and public com- ments on the document during this period. Any comments on the Negative Declaration must be received within the public review period, in writing, by 5:30 p.m. on November 4, 2013 and addressed to:
Rachel Kwok, Environmental Planner, City of Santa Monica 1685 Main Street, Room 212, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Fax: (310) 458-8341 E-mail:
ESPAÑOL: Esta es una notícia de un estúdio preliminário y declaración negativa sobre un plan de vivienda lo cual puede ser de interes a usted. Para más información, llame a Peter James, al numero (310) 458-8341.
The City of Santa Monica (the City) has prepared an Initial Study and Negative Declaration for the City's 2013-2021 Housing Element. In compliance with State CEQA Guidelines Section 15072, the City has prepared this Notice of Intent to inform responsible agencies and other interested parties about the City's intent to adopt a negative declaration for the Housing Element.
PROJECT APPLICANT: City of Santa Monica Strategic & Transportation Planning Division
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The 2013-2021 Housing Element is an element of the City of Santa Monica General Plan that provides broad-based guidance to plan for housing needs over the next eight years. The 2013-2021 Housing Element is essentially an update of the 2008-2014 Housing Element that retains the same goals and objectives that guide the City's commitment to high quality housing for a diverse community, with an emphasis on efforts to produce affordable housing units and retain affordability and access to housing for households at all income levels. The 2013-2021 Housing Element has been developed to meet California State legal requirements, including the need to plan for the City's share of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), and is subject to review and certifi- cation by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
AVAILABILITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION: The draft 2013-2021 Housing Element and the Initial Study/Negative Declaration may be reviewed online at or in person at the following locations:
• City Planning Division Public Counter, Room 111, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica CA • Office of the City Clerk, Room 102, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica CA • Santa Monica Library, 601 Santa Monica Boulevard, Santa Monica CA • Fairview Branch Library, 2101 Ocean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica CA
• Montana Branch Library, 1704 Montana Avenue, Santa Monica CA • Ocean Park Branch Library, 2601 Main Street, Santa Monica CA
REVIEW PERIOD: As specified by the State CEQA Guidelines Section 15073, a 30-day public review period for the Negative Declaration will commence on October 4, 2013 and end on November 4, 2013. The City of Santa Monica welcomes agency and public com- ments on the document during this period. Any comments on the Negative Declaration must be received within the public review period, in writing, by 5:30 p.m. on November 4, 2013 and addressed to:
Rachel Kwok, Environmental Planner, City of Santa Monica 1685 Main Street, Room 212, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Fax: (310) 458-8341 E-mail:
ESPAÑOL: Esta es una notícia de un estúdio preliminário y declaración negativa sobre un plan de vivienda lo cual puede ser de interes a usted. Para más información, llame a Peter James, al numero (310) 458-8341.