2654 Highland Avenue Paul and Barbara Corrigan Paul and Barbara Corrigan
A public hearing will be held by the Zoning Administrator to consider the following request:
The applicant requests approval of variance requests in association with a first and sec- ond floor addition as well as a second-car garage addition in a tandem layout to an exist- ing single-family dwelling located in the Ocean Park (OP2) Multi-Family District. The vari- ance request includes the following:
• To allow the proposed garage to encroach 2-feet, 6-inches for a length of 20-feet, 6-inches into the required 4-foot south side setback area; • To allow the proposed first and second floor addition to encroach 7-inches for a length of 6-feet, 11-inches into the required 4-feet north side setback.
• To allow for a modification of the previously-approved single car garage (12VAR- 005) to include a second tandem parking space and a roof deck with integrated planter boxes. • To allow an additional story for a below-grade garage extension, which would other- wise not be permitted, in a portion of the building where the existing finished first floor exceeds 3-feet above theoretical grade.
Pursuant to SMMC Section, the applicant may request a variance to allow the modification off-street parking requirements. The applicant may also request a variance to allow the modification of yard setback pursuant to SMMC Section, for nonrectiliniear parcels or rectangular parcels on which parallel property lines differ in length a minimum of five feet. The subject property is a nonrecti- linear parcel. Furthermore, the applicant may request a variance to allow an additional story which would otherwise not be permitted, consistent with the criteria pursuant to SMMC Section
LOCATION: City Council Chambers, Second Floor, Santa Monica City Hall 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica, California
The City of Santa Monica encourages public comment. You may comment at the Zoning Administrator public hearing, or by writing a letter. Written information will be given to the Zoning Administrator at the meeting.
Address your letters to:
Lily Yegazu, Associate Planner Re: 12VAR-017 City Planning Division 1685 Main Street, Room 212 Santa Monica, CA 90401
If you want more information about this project or wish to review the project file, please contact Ms. Yegazu at (310) 458-8341, or by e-mail at The Zoning Ordinance is available at the Planning Counter during business hours and on the City's web site at
The meeting facility is wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, please contact (310) 458-8341 or (310) 458-8696 TTY at least 72 hours in advance. All written materials are available in alternate format upon request. Santa Monica Big Blue Bus Lines numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 serve City Hall.
Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65009(b), if this matter is subsequent- ly challenged in Court, the challenge may be limited to only those issues raised at the pub- lic hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Santa Monica at, or prior to, the public hearing.
Esto es una noticia de una audiencia pública para revisar applicaciónes proponiendo desarrollo en Santa Monica. Si deseas más información, favor de llamar a Carmen Gutierrez en la División de Planificación al número (310) 458-8341.