Beautiful Will Rogers State Historic Park in Pacific Palisades is offering a new volunteer training opportunity, starting July 14.
The training will include all the volunteer opportunities at the park, as well as the “perks” that park volunteers enjoy, such as free parking for a year (after 40 hours of service) and reduced admission to other California museums.
The training includes:
— Will Rogers’ life and times
— The historic artifacts in the house and historic preservation
— The grounds and historic landscape (barn, stables, carpenter shop, blacksmith shop, gardens and trees)
— The natural environment of the park (the Santa Monica Mountains)
— Opportunities for volunteers (house tours, grounds tours, greeting visitors, gardening, restoration (usually special projects), etc.
- Procedures and safety for volunteers
The training will held on six Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Breakfast (coffee, rolls, bagels) is provided.
To sign up, please email Charlotte Wolter, park interpretive specialist, at