As part of the Malibu Safety and Preparedness Expo on September 29, the award-winning traffic safety non-profit Safe Moves will host a Bike Safety Rodeo to give children an opportunity to learn all aspects of traffic, pedestrian and bicycle safety.
Anyone who completes the Bike Safety Rodeo will receive a free bicycle helmet, while supplies last, and will have a chance to win a free bicycle. Loaner bikes and helmets for both children and adults will be available for use on the course, which is sponsored by the PCH Taskforce through funds provided the California Office of Traffic Safety.
The City and the Malibu CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) are partnering to present the Expo on Saturday, September 29, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at City Hall to help enhance the community’s public safety and disaster preparedness during Disaster Preparedness Month.
The fun, free event is a great opportunity to teach kids about emergency preparedness, and an easy way for families to get a head start on making their emergency plans. In addition to many emergency preparedness classes, numerous vendors will have demonstrations and sales of preparedness products and services. Be sure to register early for classes, since many are expected to fill up quickly.
The classes cover a wide range of emergency preparedness topics, including crisis first aid, fire and earthquake insurance, first aid for kids, preparedness for seniors and pets, and active shooter preparedness.
To sign up for a class, visit
Demonstration and vendor booths include child safety car seat checks, an earthquake simulator, Malibu Urgent Care, McCormick Ambulance, Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control, Arson Watch, Malibu CERT Team, SoCal Fire Supply, Renogy solar energy generation, Corral Canyon Fire Safety Alliance (CCFSA), Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station Disaster Communications Service, Los Angeles County Fire and Sheriff’s Departments, Malibu Volunteers on Patrol and 99.1 KBUU – FM.
All participants at the Expo will receive a free raffle ticket for a chance to win valuable prizes such as gift cards from local restaurants and shops and emergency supplies.
The Expo is part of the City’s ongoing efforts to increase public safety and disaster preparedness in the community and is part of the City’s 2018 Earthquake Resiliency Initiative.
City Hall is located at 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd., Malibu CA 90265. No RSVPs are necessary to attend. Visit for more information.