On Sept. 10, the Buy Local Health & Fitness Festival, features over 90 exhibitors from the community (including many Buy Local SM businesses) and an estimated 3,000 attendees. Festivities include:
Fitness Classes, Yoga Zone, Free Health Screenings, Pop-Up Shops, Healthy Food Vendors, Kids Activities (with emphasis on health + fitness), Bike Rodeo, Buy Local Community Pledge and Raffle (win a beach cruiser bike, fitness gift bags, Orchestra SM tickets)
The festival is a free community event. It's a great opportunity to meet some of your favorite local businesses and connect with the community.
Organized by the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the City of Santa Monica and the Buy Local Santa Monica Committee.
Local businesses will provide expertise, advice, health screenings and free product samples to promote a healthy and happy lifestyle for the entire Santa Monica Community.
Santa Monica Civic Auditorium Parking lot, 1855 Main St., 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- Submitted by Buy Local Santa Monica