Our city's character is rapidly changing. Who are we? And where are we heading? The current system is broken —...
Read moreAt the Santa Monica City Attorney's Office, we have three black-and-white photographs from the civil rights era that we've enlarged...
Read moreTHE NEWSROOM — It's been a wild ride, but it's time for me to get off this crazy train. After...
Read moreThe Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a critical law for making sure the public has a fighting chance to...
Read moreWith the continuing rise in world population comes more energy needs, meaning ever-more demand on water resources. That's the message...
Read moreFrom the mid 1920s when the city of Santa Monica held a special municipal election on park bonds to acquire...
Read moreAt a public gathering the other day, someone asked me how I'd sum up my views on Congress. It was...
Read moreIt didn't take long after my husband and I opened our first hardware store in 2003 for people to start...
Read moreAt a public gathering the other day, someone asked me how I'd sum up my views on Congress. It was...
Read moreThe near unanimous City Council vote to support and fund the restoration of "Chain Reaction" was a responsible and positive...
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