The Santa Monica Transparency Project issues this Report today on just disclosed recent donations from the Miramar Hotel’s lawyers and related family members to support the reelection of Councilmembers who will vote on the Miramar’s proposed massive luxury hotel/retail/condominium project this Tuesday.
After reviewing recently filed Campaign Disclosure statements the Transparency Project has discovered a pattern of the law firm of Harding, Larmore, Kutcher & Kozal, lawyers for the Miramar Hotel in its proposed project, and some family members, making a series of contributions to City Council incumbents’ campaigns as well as a PAC supporting them prior to Tuesday’s vote.
TO SANTA MONICA FORWARD PAC which supports the reelection of all five incumbents:
The law firm of Harding, Larmore, Kutcher & Kozal (and Chris Harding’s wife, Laurie Lieberman) donated $12,500 - 29% of the total received by this pro-developer PAC.
TO RE-ELECT GLEAM DAVIS FOR CITY COUNCIL 202O (who should be recused from the vote on Miramar because of a serious conflict of interest as her husband’s boss owns the Miramar):
Six contributions, all for the maximum permitted of $340 each from Chris Harding, his wife Laurie Lieberman, his college attending son Peter, Jenny Harding, Paula Larmore and law partner Ken Kutcher. Total: $2,040.
Four contributions, all for the maximum permitted of $340 each from Chris Harding,
Laurie Lieberman, Paula Larmore and Ken Kutcher. Total: $1,360.
Submitted by Mary Marlow