The American Red Cross of Santa Monica and City Hall, in conjunction with Santa Monica Organizations Active in Disasters (SMOAID), are offering a free “Emergency Preparedness Training Seminar for Pet Owners,” Tuesday, Feb. 17, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
The pet owners seminar will be held at the Santa Monica Red Cross at 1450 11th St.
Preparing for a disaster such as an earthquake, flood or hurricane means having enough non-perishable food, water and important supplies on hand to sustain a family for a week. An important part of any family emergency plan should include needs for family pets. The seminar will feature a presentation by Capt. David Havard and Dr. Karen Halligan of the SPCA-Los Angeles. Halligan is also author of the book, “What Every Pet Owner Should Know.” Havard and Halligan have been involved in animal rescue following Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters. Halligan also appears on the Animal Planet cable television show “Groomer Has It.” There will also be a roundtable discussion for residents, emergency planners and others concerned about meeting the special needs of pets at a time of disaster.
Founded by City Hall and the Red Cross, SMOAID brings together numerous members of the community including nonprofit service providers, response agencies, schools, religious institutions, businesses, residents, neighborhood organizations, government agencies and others. SMOAID was created immediately following Hurricane Katrina in September 2005, to meet the needs of the 250 families and individuals who evacuated from the Gulf Coast to Santa Monica and environs.
SMOAID’s purpose is to assist people in the Santa Monica community in preparing, surviving and recovering from disasters by working together and sharing resources and expertise.
The seminar intends to share information in disaster planning in relation to pets and their needs before, during, and after a disaster.
Lunch and parking will be provided. Do not bring pets to the seminar. Advance reservations are required. No walk-ins. RSVP by Feb. 13, to Lynda Jackson, (310) 458-2221 during business hours or by e-mail to: