As part of its annual beach grooming activities, Los Angeles County Public Works will begin backfilling the Pico-Kenter outfall and residual storm water pond area beginning next week, May 6, 2019. In preparation for the work, some equipment may be staged near the work site. Expect work through June 4 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
It is advised not to swim near the site where ponded storm water will be released.
The work involves creating a barrier by filling in Pico-Kenter to remove any stagnant or ponded water at the site. The barrier also diverts any dry urban runoff to the sanitary sewer system for treatment. This work helps ensure better ocean water quality around the Pico-Kenter site.
Questions can be directed to Jasson Velez with Los Angeles County Public Works at 626-458-4304 or George Rodriguez with the City of Santa Monica’s Water Resources team can also be contacted at 310-458-8235 or
Submitted by Constance Farrell, Public Information Officer