Elks National President Robert Duitsman joined the Santa Monica Elks to deliver lunch for the Veterans at the WLA hospital building 209 which permanently houses formerly homeless veterans on the campus. Many thanks to Girl Scout Troop 16135 for their very generous donation of 54 boxes of cookies, Girl Scout Troop 415 donated homemade desserts, and Girl Scout Troop 95505 wrote individual notes of inspiration for each veteran during this epidemic. Every veteran received a meatloaf meal and their own box of cookies. Pictured is Santa Monica Elks Chairman of the Board of Trustees Frank Frazier (Navy Veteran), GER Robert Duitsman, and Rebecca Ricci (Director of VASH and representative of building 209 staff). Second photo includes San Gabriel Valley District Deputy Ben Ortega, Santa Monica Elks Chairman of the Board of Trustees Frank Frazier (Navy Veteran), GER Robert Duitsman, South Central Coast District. Deputy Kathy Grant, Santa Monica Elks Mitchell Fink, Sheryl Fink, Ron Fink (US Army Vet), Rebecca Ricci (Director of VASH and representative of building 209 staff), and Miguel Soltero (VASH Team Leader).