The historic Georgian Hotel on Ocean Avenue has donated $7,200 to the Santa Monica Conservancy, money raised from ticket sales to the hotel's 80th anniversary gala.
The hotel donated 100 percent of the ticket sales to the conservancy (www.smconservancy.org), which works to promote widespread understanding and appreciation of the many benefits of historic preservation.
"We wanted to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Georgian Hotel with more than just a party and we felt that the important work being done by the Santa Monica Conservancy needed to be celebrated as well," said Juan Viramontes, general manager of the Georgian.
In addition to the funds generated by the ticket sales, the hotel encouraged guests to contribute to the preservation of historic properties in Santa Monica by making matching donations through the end of 2013.
"We're just delighted," said conservancy President Carol Lemlein. "The Georgian is one of the historic buildings featured in our ongoing Downtown Walking Tour. Hotel leaders have been strong partners to the conservancy and we are deeply appreciative."
The Georgian was built in 1933 by Rosamond Borde, a businesswoman looking to make her mark on the Pacific coastline. The Art Deco structure is recognized as one of Santa Monica's first skyscrapers. It was a rendezvous spot for celebrities including Clark Gable, Carole Lombard, Bugsy Siegel and Fatty Arbuckle.
Opened during prohibition, the Georgian was known to serve alcohol, becoming a popular speakeasy.