Local nonprofit Chrysalis received a $50,000 grant from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation to support its work helping Santa Monica's most vulnerable populations prepare for and secure employment.
The money will help pay for the Employment Program, which provides one-on-one mentoring and case management, job preparation classes, life-skills workshops and access to computers, telephones and copiers.
Clients can also get referrals to housing, health services, childcare and other supportive services.
This is the second year that the Bank of America Charitable Foundation has targeted its grant program toward workforce development rather than education, according to a release.
Other nonprofits to receive awards included the Archdiocesan Youth Employment Services, Goodwill Industries, Homeboy Industries, Puente Learning Center, Streetlights, the Workforce Investment Board and Jewish Vocational Services.
All told, Los Angeles-area nonprofits received $295,000 in grants from the foundation.