Every single day, I see folks who’ve come here to the U.S. from other countries, contributing to our communities in multifarious ways. Like those of us fortunate enough to have been born in this country, immigrants and their families here are living, working, striving, surviving, aspiring to make a better life, and, in many cases, thriving. That’s what the American Dream is all about! Statistics (dull as they are) show that newcomers contribute way, way more to local economies, compared with the value of government-provided services they may receive. There’s almost no way to avoid seeing it. Construction workers, hotel & restaurant employees, teachers aides & educators, nurses & physicians, small business owners, vendors at farmers markets, and so on. It may be challenging at times, not to be swayed by divisive rhetoric from certain media outlets (you know what you are, Fox). All the more reason to celebrate the richness & diversity in culture, language, cuisine, etc. that immigrants bring!
Hal Bogotch, Santa Monica