The burritos in this week’s test are not examples of Mexican cuisine, but are rather the West Coast counterpart to the classic bodega egg and cheese on a roll, adopting the tortilla as the perfect delivery vehicle for that deceptively simple yet wonderfully satisfying combination of eggs/cheese/meat/potato. The burritos in our taste test were all from grocery stores. Most were ready to eat although one only comes cold and the other is a frozen brand.
Two burritos wrapped up the top spots very quickly: Co-Opportunity Market and Whole Foods. Interestingly, both the Co-Op and Whole Foods were the only stores to charge tax on their burritos and they were similar prices when accounting for their per ounce weight. Trader Joe’s scored highly but struck several tasters as not “breakfasty” enough. In the bottom two were both the most expensive (Erewhon) and least expensive (Target) options.
The frozen burrito was just too processed to compete and Erewhon was more than double the prices of the winning choices while also being dry.