Dear SMMUSD Class of 2023,
Congratulations to the Class of 2023!
You have accepted your diploma and have crossed the threshold from high school to adulthood after many years of hard work and determination. It’s an amazing accomplishment and one for which you should feel deep pride. Many of you juggled extracurricular activities, family obligations, volunteer work and part-time jobs, while completing your studies. You faced unprecedented challenges with grace, strength and resilience. You persevered and continued to achieve your goals.
Our seniors’ achievements are worthy of praise. Many have received numerous awards for excellence in academics, music and arts, athletics, extracurricular activities and community service. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships have been awarded to our seniors from some of the most prestigious colleges and universities in California, across the country and abroad. Everything you have achieved both inside and outside the classroom is a result of your hard work, dedication, perseverance, and commitment to success.
Graduating from high school is a milestone because it happens only once in life. It is a time for our seniors to be proud of all that they have accomplished to reach the graduation stage. It also is a time to be thankful for the family members, teachers, mentors, classmates, friends, and everyone else who’s had a meaningful role in shaping you into the person you are today.
As your interim superintendent and school board, we are incredibly proud of you. We look forward to hearing stories about your future endeavors and successes. Whether you are going on to Santa Monica College, a four-year university, into a certificate program or other postsecondary opportunity, or military, we know the Class of 2023 will make a difference in the world. We need you to make that difference for the good of all.
Work hard always, keep your sights on what you want to do in life, and always dream big. Keep reaching for the stars and know that your time at SMMUSD has prepared you for a bright future.
We wish you all the best in health and success in your future. Congratulations!
Mark O. Kelly, Ed.D., Interim Superintendent
Board of Education: Marian Leon-Vazquez, President; Dr. Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein, Vice President; Laurie Lieberman, Jon Kean, Jen Smith, Stacy Rouse and Alicia Mignano.
Congratulations Graduates!! You did it!
I know it took perseverance and the help of family, friends, and community to succeed. It's been an unexpected four years. You've learned to navigate complex and scary challenges - right alongside us adults. We are truly learning together.
Your voice is vital and important! Best wishes in your next chapter of life - whether that's school, work, service, volunteering, helping family, travel, sports - whatever it is for you, may you continue to find community, be a curious learner, and help our world continue to adapt to our new realities.
With much love and hope,
Here is my statement:
Congratulations on having completed your K-12 journey under sometimes not the best of circumstances. But you stayed the course, and you crossed the finish line!
Your life really begins now. The decisions you have made up to this point have been with the help of your parents. As you move to the next chapter of your life, you are an adult and can make decisions that matter to you. If you have learned anything at SMMUSD is that you always were loved and supported by your family but also the SMMUSD family. Make your choices wisely while reflecting on the great lessons learned and advise you received. You are never alone and will always have your SMMUSD family to call and help you.
I look forward to your leadership and creating a FUN and HAPPY tomorrow.
Best of luck to ALL!
Maria Leon-Vazquez
Dear Graduates
Just a few bits of advice for you, because I'm sure no one else has tried to give you advice lately:
- Celebrate all successes...don't worry if they're big or small. Celebrate!
- Take risks. Big ones. Don't worry that you won't get into college or get a job. You already did! So don't be scared to swing big. And if you fall down, get back up and reset.
- Come home every now and again. You are part of a family, both by birth, by school, and by community. We are always here for you, so pop in every now and again. Let us know what you're up to.
Now go out there and just be the best you that you can be.
Congrats to the class of 2023!
Here's my grad message-
The past few years have been very challenging ones. Through it all, our SMMUSD students have persevered with grace. This is a testament to the strength and resilience of our students, and something you should all be very proud of. Whatever path you choose after high school, I hope you will take that strength with you. Congratulations to the graduating class of 2023! Keep shining bright!
Alicia Mignano, School Board Member
Los últimos años han sido muy desafiantes. A través de todo, nuestros estudiantes de SMMUSD han perseverado con gracia. Este es un testimonio de la fuerza y la resiliencia de nuestros estudiantes, y algo de lo que todos deberían estar muy orgullosos. Sea cual sea el camino que elijas después de la escuela secundaria, espero que lleves esa fuerza contigo. ¡Felicitaciones a la clase de graduados del 2023! ¡Siguan brillando!
Alicia Mignano, Miembro de la Junta Escolar