Tuesday, December 14 5:11 a.m.
SMPD Officers were dispatched to a call of a suspicious person in the alley on the 800 block of 4th St. Upon arrival, Officers observed a female standing next to a car and noticed a male running toward the car and turning on the vehicle. After several commands to stop, the male turned off the car and exited, spontaneously stating he had cut the catalytic converter from a nearby vehicle in the subterranean garage. Officers found multiple tools known to be used to cut catalytic converters and noticed a partially cut catalytic converter on the vehicle the subject had mentioned. Elizon Munoz Hernandez was arrested for Burglary, Possession of Burglary tools, Receiving stolen property, and Conspiracy to commit a felonious crime. The female that was with him, Giselle Senead Carrillo, was booked for conspiracy to commit a crime and was later cited out.