The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District will hold a school board meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Zoom this Thursday and will discuss potential plans for in-person learning as well as its support for Measure SM and HR 763.
The board will present the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan for the 2020-2021 school year, outlining the District’s steps for resuming modified in-person instruction and supporting pupils with unique needs.
Based off of a July survey of staff and parents, the Board identified a hybrid model as the first stage of resuming in-person instruction. An updated survey of parent’s preferences was sent Sept. 10, but was canceled due to misleading wording and will be edited and recirculated soon.
The Learning and Continuity Plan outlines a hybrid model where families can choose between continuing distance learning or opting for a combination of in-person and remote learning. SMMUSD will only be able to implement this plan when L.A. County has less than seven COVID-19 cases per day per 100,000 people and a test positivity rate of less than 8 percent for 14 consecutive days.
Students whose families select in-person instruction will receive live instruction in the classroom and will work asynchronously at home to complete tasks assigned by their teacher.
Elementary students whose families do not select the hybrid model will remain in distance learning but may be assigned a new teacher. Secondary students who continue to work remotely will be enrolled in a virtual learning academy, which will only feature asynchronous work. These students will have a teacher to contact, but will not receive any live instruction.
The plan also outlines several steps to address student learning loss due to COVID-19 including: diagnostic assessment, supplemental ELD instruction to English learners, supplemental learning instruction to low-income students, and expanded summer learning opportunities.
To address achievement gaps for marginalized and underprivileged students the plan provides services including: Family Engagement Coordinator, Language Access Services, Bilingual Community Liaisons, Restorative Justice programming, and a Mental Health Case Worker.
During the meeting the board will vote to adopt Resolution No. 20-06 - Endorsing Measure SM on the Nov 3 ballot.
The agenda states, “Our school district and the City of Santa Monica are long standing partners in sustaining high quality schools through the City’s significant direct financial contributions to SMMUSD, totaling $25.2 million annually, through the Master Facilities Use Agreement and Measures Y and GSH revenue-sharing agreements. Revenue generated by the passage of Measure SM would benefit our students and families.”
The board will also vote to adopt Resolution No. 20-07 - Urge Congress to Approve HR 763: Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.
The resolution states, “HR 763 puts an annually increasing fee on carbon emissions at their source (mine, well etc.). Fossil fuel companies will then pass the increased cost onto consumers. However, the fees collected are distributed to American households in the form of a dividend. According to economic studies, low- and moderate-income families would actually come out ahead, since they are lower users of carbon.”
The board will also vote to adopt Resolution No. 20-05, recognizing National Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month from Sept. 15 through Oct 15 to increase awareness and participation in the celebration of Latino American culture.
Members of the public who wish to make a public comment at the upcoming meeting can do so by completing a Google survey sign up. The survey can be found online at and will be open 30 minutes prior to the meeting.