Local schools are looking to upgrade security systems district-wide following a space of break-ins at local campuses.
The Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District Board will see two security contacts at their Aug. 15 meeting. The first could approve $590,862 for monitoring services while the second could correct an administrative oversight for security contract services.
Both items are part of the meeting’s consent calendar. Consent items are often approved as a group with little or no discussion. However, public comment is allowed on the items and any boardmember can ask for a consent item to be discussed in detail.
The first item is a request to approve a new contract with Tel-Tec for surveillance equipment, installation and a five-year monitoring agreement.
“The security system throughout the district has been failing,” said the staff report. “The district has had several break-ins, costing the district in repairs, replacements, and cleanup. The new system will have real-time alarming, which will help the district avoid damages caused by these break-ins.”
Five students broke into the John Muir / SMASH campus earlier this year and vandalized several rooms.
Two companies, Bay Alarm and Tel-Tec, submitted proposals for the security system and staff are recommending the cheaper of the two.
A second security item will also be before the Board Thursday as staff are asking for an amendment to an existing contract to address an administrative oversight that omitted $2,750 from a more than $100,000 contract for “reimbursable expenses.”
“During the June 27, 2019, BOE meeting the Board approved the award of an agreement to Vantage Technology Consulting Group to provide support with the evaluation, design, and implementation of a video surveillance system at all District campuses,” said the agenda. “Due to an administrative oversight, the reimbursable expenses associated with the agreement were excluded from the approval. Contract Amendment #01 is to rectify this oversight.”
Both items are funded through the voter approved Measure ES. The bond measure passed in 2012 and provided $385 million.
According to the district, “this bond money will be utilized to upgrade technology throughout the district, increase safety and security through fire alarm upgrades and gate access improvements, and to modernize and build new facilities at multiple campuses.”
The August 15 meeting will be held at the District Administrative Officers, 1651 16th Street. The open session will begin at 5:30 p.m.
The Board will hold an extended closed session before the public portion of the meeting beginning at 12:30 p.m.
“The purpose of this meeting is for board members and staff to discuss items they would not normally have time for during a regular closed session,” said the District in a statement.