Celebrate Earth Day. Ride a Bike!
Join us this Saturday for Santa Monica’s Earth Day themed Kidical Mass Family Ride and Community Garden Tour. We will take a family friendly ride from Memorial Park to visit Park Drive Community Garden for a kids garden tour and seed bomb workshop. There will be prizes and giveaways at Memorial Park when we return!
Free pre-ride festivities include helmet decorating, bike safety checks, and snacks. The ride is approximately 2 miles long, easy for adults with toddlers on board or kids 4+ without training wheels, and all are welcome.
Pre-ride festivities start at 9am Saturday, April 22nd at Memoiral Park (by playground, enter on 14th Street). The ride will depart at 10am
Please RSVP to RSVP@SMSpoke.org by April 21st and find out more at facebook.com/SMKidicalMass
Beach + Bikes + Culture = Santa Monica
Join us this Sunday, April 23 at 9 am for a ride along the beach with the Mayor, Ted Winterer and City Manager Rick Cole. We'll start at Perry's Cafe at 2400 Ocean Front Walk at the intersection of Hollister Avenue. We will ride along the beach path to visit the Beach Restoration Pilot Project for a presentation with The Bay Foundation and the Annenberg Community Beach House.
Bring your own bike, helmet, and lock. No bike? No problem! Just grab a Breeze Bike or rent one from Perry’s.
The round-trip ride will be about 4 miles. Children should be capable of street riding or in an appropriate child seat or trailer. Please RSVP and find out more at www.facebook.com/events/247035119102541/