More than a dozen residents have picked up applications to run for local offices in this November’s election.
Monday, July 18 was the first day potential candidates could request applications and 16 individuals pulled papers for City Council, School Board, Rent Control Board or College Board.
Individuals that requested City Council paperwork were Gleam Davis, Whitney Scott Bain, Zoe Muntaner, Mende Smith, Linda Armstrong, Kevin Wray, Terrence (Terry) O’Day, Tony Vazquez, Jennifer Kennedy and Armen Melkonians. Rent Control Board paperwork went to Anastasia Foster and Elaine Golden-Gealer. School Board paperwork went to Jon Kean, Ralph Mechur and Maria Leon-Vazquez. Papers for College Board have been issued to Susan Aminoff, Sion Roy, Rob Greenstein Rader and Margaret Quinones.
“I am running for Santa Monica City Council because I believe in a democracy where residents come first,” said Melkonians. “The current system of government in our city caters to special interests. We need a leader who will stand up to the pressures of these special interests and put residents first. As the founder of Residocracy and a co-author of the LUVE Initiative my record makes it clear that the people of Santa Monica can count on me.”
Pulling papers does not guarantee a run for any seat. Candidates must complete the required paperwork, gather 100 signatures from registered voters and return the packet to the City Clerk's office by Aug. 12. The deadline could be extended to Aug. 17 if at least one incumbent fails to file by Aug. 12.
The list of individuals requesting the nomination packets doesn’t correspond to the list of individuals that have already declared their intent to run nor does it match the list of candidates that have already begun fundraising.
Some candidates, like incumbent Ted Winterer, have begun fundraising but did not pick up papers on July 18 (Winterer is on vacation for the week). Those candidates have filed required paperwork reflecting their financial efforts but have several weeks to make their campaign official.
Potential candidates can receive a packet at anytime during the nomination period however, the Clerk’s Office encourages potential candidates to make an appointment and budget about 20 minutes to receive instructions.
The Clerk’s office maintains a website,, that provides election related information including a brochure on how to run for office. The information outlines qualifications for candidates, timelines and provides links to additional resources.
The City Clerk’s office is located at City Hall, 1685 Main Street, Room 102.