Planning Commission will hopefully finish their multi-month discussion of the old Post Office site and hear preliminary proposals for a pair of downtown developments at a special meeting this Wednesday.
The applicant wants to reuse and add on to the former Post Office building at 1248 5th St. to create a 14,490 square foot office space project within a 32 feet tall, three-story building. The existing building is a recognized landmark built in 1938. Its historic interior has been protected by a preservation covenant that is attached to the land.
The project was before the Commission on March 16, but discussion was continued to allow for Commission input to be incorporated into the proposal. The Commission's initial response was positive.
“Commission generally expressed strong conceptual support for the adaptive reuse project, citing its potential as a representative example of adaptive reuse and its import for maintaining the historic character of Downtown. There seemed to be consensus about the sensitivity of the proposed building addition's scale and massing relative to the existing symmetry and its consistency within the surrounding context,” said the staff report.
However, there were questions over the installation of a five-feet high security fence on the site. At the continued meeting, staff will present action on additional historic documentation for the site, specific design changes discussed by the Commission, details on securing enough parking for the project, installation of electric charging stations and an environmental impact report.
New business includes a pair of float-up proposals by NMS Properties Inc.
The first is a proposed development agreement for 1325 Sixth St. NMS wants to build a 46,693 square foot residential mixed-use project between Santa Monica Boulevard and
Arizona Avenue replacing a private parking lot. According to the staff report, the proposal consists of a 6-story, 60-foot high, building totaling 65 residential units,
4,987 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor, and four levels of
subterranean parking with 136 parking spaces.
According to the staff report, the Commission will focus its discussion on the appropriateness of the project as a Development Agreement, compatibility with the neighborhood context, consistency with the 1984 Land Use and Circulation Element, consistency with the draft Downtown Community Plan, consideration of alternatives, identification of negotiating points and discussion of desirable community benefits.
NMS is proposing six units of affordable housing on site and 11 units at an offsite location. The offsite housing is a joint offer covering a second NMS proposal.
That second proposal will also be before the Commission on Wednesday.
NMS is seeking a Development Agreement for a 67,447 square foot mixed-use project at 1430-1444 Lincoln Boulevard. The site is located between Broadway and Santa Monica. The project is a 5-story 50-foot high, building totaling 100 residential units,
5,878 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor, and four levels of subterranean parking with 292 parking spaces. The project does not require a D.A. but NMS is requesting one to cover a landswap and marking mitigation plan incorporated into this project that will facilitate the City's construction of a new fire station at 1337 7th St.
According to the staff report, the Commission will focus its discussion on the appropriateness of the project as a Development Agreement, compatibility with the neighborhood context, consistency with the Land Use and Circulation Element, consistency with the draft Downtown Community Plan, consideration of alternatives, identification of negotiating points and discussion of desirable community benefits.
No onsite affordable housing is being offered but the project does call for an additional 11 units at the offsite location bringing the total to 22.
Additional business Wednesday night includes a proposal to create three residential condominium air parcels on a single parcel as part of a two-story, multifamily development with a subterranean garage in the OP2 Ocean Park Low Density Residential zoning district. Staff recommend approval of the action for the project at 2102 5th St.
Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, April 20 at 6 p.m. in City Hall, 1685 Main St.