On August 14 at about 5:30 p.m.
Officers assigned to Beach Patrol were called to assist a victim who said he was detaining an alleged suspect who had stolen the victim's truck one week prior. When they arrived, the victim and suspect were waiting in the 1600 block of Appian Way. The victim said he left his truck unattended and unlocked in the 1550 beach parking lot. When he returned, his truck was gone. About one week later he saw his truck at 11th Street and Broadway. He took possession of his truck, and noticed the suspect had not only cleaned his truck, but cleaned all his tools as well. The victim explained these events to his neighbor and learned there was a man who would randomly wash people's cars in the 1500 beach lot. The victim found the man his neighbor was talking about and he admitted to taking the truck. The victim called the police and the suspect was arrested. Jason Marshall, homeless, had bail set at $25,000.