Eva Barrow, Administrative Assistant to Emily Seiler, Administrator at the Silvercrest Senior Residence in Santa Monica is moving to Tucson, Arizona after seven years of service. Eva has lived in Santa Monica for 12 years, she is 35 years old, has a BA in English from the University of Central Florida, she has been a source of joy, happiness and support greeting residents at the front desk. Eva has always been willing and ready to help the resident requests along with her many other tasks. She has served through the years showing her "Unconditional Love" and has really embodied by exceeding The Salvation Army's motto, "Doing the Most Good."
As she wrote in her last newsletter article "This is the hardest decision I've ever made. You are my perfect trio, you are my foundation, and you are my family. A perfect community for a little ole loner like me. I've felt like a kid again, and all grown up too. Now's the time to be with my parents and help them age as gracefully as residents at Silvercrest. I'll need to talk with everyone in some way, fairly regularly. This place is a bit of a life blood, you see. I found peace, enchantment, laughter and just the daily goings on. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I'm not going to step forward until every last tear has been shed. Then I can move on."
We at Silvercrest, Residents and Staff have learned from Eva what it means to show "Unconditional Love."
Bob Hadadd, Resident
Myriah Begonia, Resident Service Coordinator