18th Street Arts Center will present award-winning filmmaker and video artist Kate Johnson's latest work EVERYWHERE in BETWEEN at Bergamot Station on Saturday, July 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Enveloping the buildings of Bergamot Station Art Center in light, shadows, and video projections, Johnson transforms the art campus into a single art installation in collaboration with site-specific contemporary dance by Pennington Dance Group and light installation art by Greg Christy. Through projections and light on a main wall and throughout the campus, the work aims to explore connections between the individual identities of the galleries and artists at Bergamot and the Art Center as a unified space.
Kate Johnson's EVERYWHERE in BETWEEN is the third of a series of artist interventions aimed at calling attention to the community of cultural organizations and commercial galleries at Bergamot Station. With the impending arrival of the EXPO light rail in Santa Monica and the construction of the Bergamot Station train platform, the City of Santa Monica and Bergamot Station Gallery & Cultural Association (BSGCA) find creative ways to make the public aware that the Arts Center is still open for business and as vibrant as ever.
EVERYWHERE in BETWEEN was conceived and produced by Kate Johnson in association with 18th Street Arts Center, Bergamot Station, and the City of Santa Monica. This project was made possible by Our Town grant from the National Endowment for the Arts awarded to City of Santa Monica. To implement the grant, the City works in partnership with Bergamot Ltd., 18th Street Arts Center, the Santa Monica Museum of Art, and BSGCA. This piece is further supported by Brite Ideas, Inc., who is generously providing equipment and technical direction.
Bergamot Station is located at 2525 Michigan Ave. Visit www.facebook.com/events/982279915149703 for more information.