MAIN LIBRARY — The Santa Monica Democrats Club held an endorsement meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 3. The Club voted to endorse:
City Council: Sue Himmelrich and Kevin McKeown.
School Board: Laurie Lieberman, Ralph Mechur, Oscar de la Torre, and Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein.
College Board of Trustees: Barry Snell, Louise Jaffe, and Nancy Greenstein.
Rent Control Board: Nicole Phillis, Steve Duron, and Todd Flora.
The club also took positions on ballot measures.
Measure D (pro-airport) - NO
Measure FS (pass through of rent control fees) - YES
Measure H (real estate transfer tax) - YES
Measure HH (companion to Measure H) - YES
Measure LC (anti-airport) - YES
Read more about the ballot measures at:
— MH