Crime Watch is a weekly series culled from reports provided by the Santa Monica Police Department. These are arrests only. All parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Thursday, May 2, at 9:47 p.m.,
Officers responded to Hotel Shangri-La on Ocean Avenue regarding a report of a possible fugitive who was inside the hotel's restaurant. When officers arrived they spoke with the general manager who said that at approximately 7:45 p.m. a man was checking into the hotel and told the manager and an employee that he had just survived a plane crash in the woods, where he survived for a week. He needed some rest and relaxation, which is what brought him to Santa Monica. The manager was intrigued by the story and searched the man's name on the Internet so they could learn more about the plane crash. That's when they saw the man was wanted in Oregon for theft. A picture on the Internet matched the man who checked in. The manager immediately called police. Officers checked the computer and found the warrant to be valid. When they went to arrest the suspect he allegedly pushed and tried to punch one of the officers. He was punched once in the face by police and taken to the ground. After a short struggle, officers were able to put him in handcuffs. The suspect suffered minor injuries and was treated and released for booking. An officer sprained his finger during the struggle. He was booked for battery on a police officer, resisting arrest and detained for the Oregon warrant. He was identified as Nicholas Kasemehas, 72, of Beaverton, Ore. No bail was set.
Sunday, May 5, at 4:10 p.m.,
Officers were on patrol near the Third Street Promenade and Santa Monica Boulevard when they were flagged down by a waitress at the Britannia Pub who said that a man was trying to pick fights with patrons. She said he was extremely drunk and was last seen walking eastbound on Santa Monica Boulevard. Officers come across the man a few blocks away. They said he was unable to walk straight and nearly fell down several times. Officers went up to the man and after speaking with him determined he was drunk and placed him under arrest. He was identified as Robert Gilliam, 49, of Venice, Calif. His bail was set at $250.