Expo Light Rail Line Project
Note the following activities:
1. Colorado Avenue between Fifth and 17th streets: Expect westbound and eastbound lane closures during daytime hours. Expect reduction of travel lanes during the non-peak day at Ninth Street and Colorado, and 10th Street and Colorado.
2. Olympic Boulevard between 20th Street and Cloverfield Boulevard: Westbound and eastbound lane closures during non-peak travel hours, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Additional information is available at: www.buildexpo.org. For more information about the Expo Line Project, visit BuildExpo.org or call (213) 922-EXPO (3976).
Alley Resurfacing Project
Construction will occur daily at 7:30 a.m. and end time is 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Permeable concrete gutters will be installed in portions of the alleys in the 1200-1400 blocks of Berkeley Court, 1300 block of Stanford Court, 1500 block of Yale Court, 1700 block of Franklin Court, 1400 block of 18th Court, 1500 block of 18th Court, 1400 block of 16th Court and the 900 block of Euclid Court. Approximately 200 feet of the southern portion of each alley will be closed 24 hours per day during the construction dates. Please be advised that concrete operations will generate noise and dust. Questions should be directed to the Public Works Street & Fleet Services Division at (310) 458-4991. For more info on the Alley Renewal Program, visit smgov.net/streets/alleyprogram.
Santa Monica Airport: Storage Parking Lot
Construction activities continue for the improvement of the parking area at the north east corner of the Santa Monica Airport. There will be no significant impacts to traffic for this week. For more information, contact Carlos Rosales at (310) 458-8721.
Crosswalk Restriping Project
Crosswalk restriping will occur at various intersections along Wilshire Boulevard between Fourth and Fifth streets; at Olympic Boulevard and 14th Street; along Santa Monica Boulevard between 20th and 23rd streets; along Arizona Avenue between 14th 15th streets; and, along California Avenue between Seventh Street and Lincoln Boulevard. Work will take place between the hours of 8 p.m.-5 a.m. There will be partial closures at intersections. Questions should be directed to the Public Works Street & Fleet Services Division at (310) 458-4991.
Parking Structure No. 6
There will be periodic sidewalk closures on Second Street between Broadway and Santa Monica Boulevard through April 20. There will be periodic northbound lane closures in the same area during the same span of time. Temporary traffic control signs and barricades will be deployed to guide vehicular and pedestrian traffic in and around the work areas. Fencing and deliveries work will take place in the alley behind the parking structure (Second Court), with partial alley closures taking place through April 20. All work will take place Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. For more information about the Parking Structure 6 project, visit www.SMConstructs.org or call (310) 458-2205.
Wastewater Main Replacement Project
Construction activities will continue on 15th Court from Delaware Avenue to the I-10 Freeway. Sewer main installation will begin on Pearl Place North from Lincoln Court to 11th Street and on Maple Street at 14th Street. Drivers are advised to slow down and use caution when workers are present. For more information, contact Carlos Rosales at (310) 458-8721.
Tongva Park Construction Update
On Ocean Avenue, through mid-June, northbound Ocean Avenue between Seaside Terrace and Colorado Boulevard will be subject to lane closures. The sidewalk, bike lane, and one lane of vehicular travel in the northbound direction will be closed for construction activities. For more information, contact the Architectural Services Division at (310) 458-2205.
Ken Genser Square Construction Update
Here is what to expect:
• The new front sidewalks will be available for pedestrian use.
• The water feature will remain fenced off and will continue to be under construction for the next few weeks.
• The grass, planters and concrete seatwall areas will be fenced off for a while to allow the plants to get established.
• The north pair of City Hall entrance doors will be made available for use.
• South entry doors and sidewalk area will be fenced for the demolition and construction of the remaining portion of Ken Genser Square. This means there will be some upcoming construction noise and dust.
• The west side of Main Street will be under construction:
• Bike lane will be closed through June 2013
2802 Pico Blvd.
There will be lane and sidewalk closures on the east side of the street along 28th Street for the development of 33 affordable housing units. Please use sidewalk on the west side of 28th Street. For more information on this project, contact Lee Castleberry at (310) 628-7486.