The Santa Monica Coalition for a Livable City announced Tuesday its decision to endorse Assemblywoman Betsy Butler in her run for the 50th State Assembly District.
Butler, who served in the 53rd District for four years before redistricting, is running against Mayor Richard Bloom for the seat. Both are Democrats.
SMCLC chose not to support the mayor because of the amount of development that has taken place in Santa Monica while he has sat on the dais, according to an e-mail sent out Tuesday.
"Look at all the traffic clogging development that's come to Santa Monica in the last 12 years since Richard Bloom has been on our City Council," the e-mail reads. "Richard has voted for every commercial development that's come before the council and has been rewarded by sizable developer contributions over the years."
The formal endorsement will take place this weekend at a private home in Santa Monica where Butler, as well as SMCLC-endorsed Ted Winterer and Richard McKinnon, will be introduced. Winterer and McKinnon, both members of the Planning Commission, are running for four open seats on the City Council.