For the next few months those who are unemployed and can prove it will be able to get their dry cleaning done for free so that they can look sharp during job interviews.
Flair Cleaners, which has a location on Montana Avenue, announced Tuesday that through Sept. 2, those who bring their most recent unemployment pay stub and a photo ID can get up to four pieces of clothing cleaned for free each week.
“We wanted to find a way to show our support for those who have lost their jobs and are out there looking for work,” said Gary Futterman, owner of Flair Cleaners, which is also offering the same deal at four other locations — Valencia, Burbank, Studio City and Redondo Beach. “Knowing that they’re showing up in their best suit; that it’s clean, that they look polished and professional, may give interviewees the extra confidence boost they need to help them get a the job.”
The offer is part of Flair’s community outreach program. Flair has donated thousands of dollars in goods and services to a variety of charitable causes, including silent auctions at dozens of schools, churches and synagogues, according to a press release.
This past December marked the sixth year for Flair’s annual Holiday Clothing Drive. Flair Cleaners’ customers brought in tens of thousands of garments which were then donated to local charities such as Helping Hands for the Blind and Children’s Network International.