Dear Editor,
Council Member Zwick, a new resident of Santa Monica who has no history here, has a strained view of what creates a great city and what can protect and save ours.
For the City to partner with RPG (Revitalization Partners’ Group) to revive the Civic as a 21st century entertainment venue operating within the famous historic, landmarked Civic is visionary. A local, contemporary music and cultural venue designed to attract people of all ages weary of fighting east-bound traffic and parking problems to attend oversized venues will restore Santa Monica’s reputation as a place to go, a place to be. A revitalized Civic can bring back visitors and tourists who spend money in hotels, restaurants, and shops but who now increasingly see Santa Monica losing its luster.
This is a long-term investment for a long-term income stream, not a short-term fire sale.
RPG partners have proven with their recent Fire Aid LA concerts that they are the perfect partner for the City to bring back the Civic’s reputation as an exciting destination: over 30 artists performing on 28 platforms raising over $100 million, and all pulled together in two weeks.
Santa Monica residents will continue to own the Civic. The City and taxpayers will pay nothing towards its restoration, programming, and operation. RPG will pay the City to lease the building and do all the rest at its own expense. What kind of “give away” is that?
Our City Council is responsible for building and managing a community where people want to live, where they are proud to live. That means far more than maintaining streets, street lights, and meeting housing demands from Sacramento.
Sadly, Council Member Zwick apparently does not see protecting and enhancing Santa Monica’s reputation as a special City as part of his responsibility. Hopefully wiser heads on Council do.
Bea Nemlaha, Ann Hoover, Zina Josephs