Residents in Santa Monica were speculating on social media last night why there were helicopters hovering for some time between 14th Street and 17th Street, over the 10 freeway. Turns out, this was why.
According to reporter Desmond Shaw, who was in the KCAL News helicopter, a DUI suspect actually fell out of their vehicle once they'd been pulled over in the eastbound lane of the 10 freeway, near the 14th Street bridge.
"The last reported speed [before he was pulled over] was pretty high," said Shaw in his live broadcast. The suspect appeared to be in handcuffs and looked like he'd had a "spit bag" placed over his head "to prevent him from potentially spitting or biting one of the officers."
The Daily Press reached out to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) who confirmed that, "Yesterday officers were in pursuit of a male DUI driver, which began on PCH/Entrada and he was taken into custody."
Paramedics were called to the scene that already had at least eight LAPD units on site, but they got snarled up in the ensuing traffic jam. "This eastbound 10 is totally jammed up now," Shaw said as the ambulance could be seen in the distance making its way up the hard shoulder.
Thankfully, there were no reports of other injuries.