‘Worst nightmare’: Laid-off workers endure loss of $600 aid
SARAH SKIDMORE SELL and PAUL WISEMAN AP Business Writers An unemployed makeup artist with two todd
SARAH SKIDMORE SELL and PAUL WISEMAN AP Business Writers An unemployed makeup artist with two todd
By GEOFF MULVIHILL, JUSTIN PRITCHARD and DAVE KOLPACK Associated Press As public health officials
ADAM BEAM Associated Press California’s unemployment rate in April was much higher than previous
MARK KENNEDY AP Entertainment Writer When the coronavirus roared into New York, chef Anna Klinger
DAVID CRARY AP National Writer One was a nurse, another a retiree. Others had recently lost jobs w
CHRISTOPHER RUGABER AP Economics Writer U.S. unemployment dropped unexpectedly in May to 13.3% as
A report released last week from the Southern California Association of Governments anticipates that
CHRISTOPHER RUGABER AP Economics Writer More than 4.4 million laid-off workers applied for U.S. un
ADAM BEAM Associated Press California lost nearly 100,000 jobs in March, signaling a sudden end to
California's unemployment rate edged up slightly in March even as the state continued adding jobs, the state Employment Development Department ...