Pier launches Wellness & Waves free events
Those who like the idea of practicing peaceful morning yoga to the sound of waves crashing and the ocean breeze ...
Those who like the idea of practicing peaceful morning yoga to the sound of waves crashing and the ocean breeze ...
With the success of the Super Bowl Pregame Show already a glowing memory, the Pier is ramping up for
The Santa Monica Pier is ostensibly for Santa Monicans, but if you ask the average resident when the
Demolition: Workers set about dismantling the tables and chairs at Chess Park on Wednesday afternoon
Council members agree the door is open to bring back chess or add other amenities in the future Emi
Emily Sawicki SMDP Staff Writer Whether by negligence or malice, combustible fuels on the Pier — e
More than $3 million has been set aside for code enforcement, policing and other oversight to combat
The stacked council agenda includes an investigation into alleged open meeting law violations by two
The park will become ‘flexible, nonprogrammed beach front open space’ due to budget constraints.
Citing “an increase in certain activities posing risks to public safety and the environment occurr