Facebook curbs political ads – for 7 days before US election
ZEN SOO AP Technology Writer Bracing for a contentious election with no immediate results and poss
ZEN SOO AP Technology Writer Bracing for a contentious election with no immediate results and poss
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on testimony before a congressional committee by the CEOs of Facebook
KELVIN CHAN AP Business Writer Facebook says it is banning “deepfake” videos, the false but re
BARBARA ORTUTAY and MAE ANDERSON AP Technology Writer Facebook plans to clamp down on attempts to
MATT O'BRIEN AP Technology Writer Facebook is rebuffing efforts by U.S. Attorney General William B
MARCY GORDON AP Business Writer Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will appear before Congress this month
PayPal has pulled out of Facebook’s digital currency project, known as Libra, a blow to the social media company that ...
Facebook says it has suspended tens of thousands of apps made by about 400 developers as part of an investigation ...
By Barbara Ortutay Facebook is tightening its rules around political advertising ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, acknowledging previous ...
By Barbara Ortutay Soon, you could get fewer familiar ads following you around the internet — or at least on ...