Don’t look up! - Climate change is happening now, and the Santa Monica Council has its head in the sand. The current squabbling at city hall will end up destroying the world.
The council needs to:
1) Immediately ban gas connections in all new buildings
2) Require all new buildings, of all sizes, to have adequate solar panels and batteries to power the building for all its expected use. Including for large multifamily buildings. (this will have added benefit of slowing development).
4) Require all parking, both public and private to have functioning electric charging sockets for all parking spaces.
6) Only allow city employees using zero-emissions vehicles to get free city parking at work. Low-income employees will be given a credit towards the cost of parking, which they can use for other purposes - it will be their choice whether to spend it on parking or not. (Don’t punt this to staff for review, they will be strongly opposed to this - as they will have to pay. The interests of staff and councilors are opposites here, as they are on many subjects.)
7) If a landlord wants to refurbish a vacant apartment, they should be forced to replace any gas heating with a heat pump. Then the city should waive all permit and inspection fees and provide financial support towards the replacement. The city should also waive any architectural approvals needed, and allow roof/side yard/balcony installation. Attic insulation should only be required if easily achievable. Otherwise landlords will have zero motivation to go gas-free.
Even the LA City Council is considering banning gas connections - showing up Santa Monica’s minimal attempts at fighting global heating.
Peter Borresen, Santa Monica