Complete with music, comedy and an extremely well trained miniature horse, a new Nickelodeon show scheduled to debut this week features Santa Monica-born actor and musician Jensen Gering in one of the lead roles.
The show, titled Erin and Aaron, follows the lives of two young step siblings who share a same-sounding name and a passion for music, as they navigate their lives following their parents' marriage. 14-year old Gering plays Aaron.
Born in Santa Monica to actor parents, Gering said acting and music have always been a part of his life. For him, fusing the two in this new project made it seem like a natural fit.
"Combining two of my favorite things in the world into one job is really a dream," he said. "I have the acting and the music, I really couldn't ask for anything better and everyone on set is so great, and it's just always so much fun."
Gering was cast as Aaron following a multi-month-long process and said he initially felt uncertain he would even get a callback after the first audition.
"But then I did and I kind of started thinking this could actually be something that I could be a part of and this could be in my life," he said. "More callbacks started coming and eventually I heard that I got it and I’m so glad that I did.
Gering said he relates to the character of Aaron in many ways.
"I love playing this character," he said. "He's so similar to me in so many aspects, like the fact that we both really want to make it in music."
He added that playing him on TV has also helped him explore and discover new interests and talents.
"A difference that we do have is that he mainly plays piano on the show and I played guitar in real life," Gering said. "So for the show, I was able to learn a full new instrument and now I'm thinking about branching out into it in real life."
The studio in Burbank where Erin and Aaron is filmed happens to be the same one where Gering’s father, Galen Gerin works as an actor on Days of our Lives.
Jenna Gering, Jensen’s mother and Galen’s wife, said the only reason the family left Santa Monica was to be closer to where her husband, and now son, work. However, she said the family still loves to visit the city whenever they can.
"We spend so much time at the Santa Monica Beach, the Santa Monica Pier," she said. "My kids have been there like their whole lives so it’s very special."
She said she thinks the show will appeal to all ages, kids and adults alike, and that she finds it "laugh out loud funny."
"It's really a unique, fun show," she said.
Gering added that this is due in no small part to the role of the miniature horse, which he said he feels is "going to be one of the most iconic Nick pets."
"The horse does better acting than me," he joked.
Erin and Aaron premieres on Nickelodeon on Thursday April 20, followed by a new episode every Thursday of the 13-episode-long first season.
To learn more about Erin and Aaron and view a trailer visit: