Sweet Rose Creamery turns 10 years old on Tuesday, May 12. The business originally had a bunch of fun stuff planned for fans, but then the world changed. The store owners said they feel incredibly blessed to still be open for takeout and delivery at their Brentwood Country Mart and Santa Monica Main Street shops, so they look forward to many more sweet years. To celebrate this milestone, they’re keeping it simple by serving up a Birthday Cake flavor all-month long. It’s a sweet cream based infused with vanilla and almond for that classic birthday cake flavor, and swirled with a raspberry/blackberry jam, vanilla cake pieces and rainbow sprinkles. They’re also encouraging fans to share their Sweet Rose memories on Instagram by tagging them, with the hashtag #10yearsofsweetrose, so we can share with our followers.
When partners Josh Loeb, Zoe Nathan, Colby Goff and Chef Shiho Yoshikawa opened their first shop in the Brentwood Country Mart a decade ago, they quickly became known for their focus on farmers’ market-inspired flavors. It seems so commonplace now, but there weren’t many ice cream shops in town really connecting with local farmers in that way. There have been a ton of outside ice cream brands opening in LA over the past few years, but their desire has always been to remain small-batch and local. They still make their own dairy base, waffle cones, toppings and mix-ins from scratch, use high-quality, organic ingredients and Kitchen Manager Jen Bolbat regularly visits the Santa Monica Wednesday Farmers’ Market to get inspired and see what’s in peak-season. Customers can buy a $1 scoop on Tuesday.
Submitted by Elise Freimuth