The City of Santa Monica would like you to stop parking like a jerk.
Starting Nov. 1, the police department’s Traffic Services Divisions will begin enforcing a section of the city’s municipal code prohibiting drivers from parking on any sidewalk, parkway, or curb, other than a driveway or roadway.
According to City Hall, a “parkway” is the area of the public right-of-way not intended for vehicular use and refers to the portion of a street other than a roadway or a sidewalk. The parkway commonly sits between the sidewalk and the street curb. A parkway can also be located where no curb exists between the sidewalk and the roadway, which the City has reserved for landscaping and utilities. The Ordinance also prohibits parking on the “driveway apron,” the portion of a driveway between a property line and any curb.
Violators will be given a warning during the month of October but starting Nov. 1, offenders will be subject to a parking citation and a fine of $63.
“The City is committed to ensuring that its streets, sidewalks, and public-right-of way areas are safe, accessible, and equitably available for all residents and visitors,” said Communications Manager Constance Farrell in a statement.
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