On October 7, SMMUSD informed senior residents that the 2024-25 Measure R exemption was excluded from their most recent property tax statements. The exclusion was a mistake from the LA County Auditor-Controller's office, joining the LA County Recorder-Registrar/County Clerk’s office in mishandling SMMUSD information this week.
A SMMUSD statement read that the Auditor-Controller’s office is aware of the issue, and is in the process of updating tax profiles. Tax statements should reflect the adjustment by Monday.
"Revised tax bills will be mailed by the tax collector subsequently," SMMUSD Community & Public Relations Officer Gail Pinsker stated. "We apologize for this confusion and are hopeful this issue will be rectified quickly. Thank you in advance for your patience."
The Measure R parcel tax was approved by voters in Santa Monica and Malibu in February 2008, but allows exemptions to senior property owners at least 65 years of age that own and reside in their property as their primary residence. Seniors with any questions can call the SMMUSD Measure R Office at 310-450-8338 ext. 70263.
Also this past week, the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s office sent out faulty ballots to SMMUSD voters, putting both Santa Monica and Malibu-related school bond measures on their ballots.
Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean Logan stated that voting materials cannot be modified for the Nov. 5 Election Day, but his office "will ensure" that only votes cast in defined boundaries "are reported and certified." Voters in Santa Monica will be casting ballots for or against the $495 million bond Measure QS, while Malibu will vote on the $395 million bond Measure MM.
During his Superintendent’s report at the SMMUSD Board of Education Meeting Oct. 10, Dr. Antonio Shelton reiterated that the district has been in communication with the Registrar’s office and that "corrective actions have been taken" to ensure voters know which bond measure they are eligible to vote for.
"Measure QS pertains only to Santa Monica voters and funding improvements to Santa Monica schools, I want to make sure everybody understands that … as Measure MM pertains only to Malibu voters and funding improvements to Malibu schools," Shelton said.
**This story has been updated to reflect current information. The original article incorrectly identified the LA County Assessor's office for the Measure R exclusion. SMMUSD officials since stated that this exclusion came from the LA County Auditor-Controller's Office.