Rain flushes debris and bacteria to the beach
Everyone’s heard the advice: “Stay out of the water for a few days after it rains.” From trash
Everyone’s heard the advice: “Stay out of the water for a few days after it rains.” From trash
ANDREW SELSKY Associated Press Jack Dwyer pursued a dream of getting back to the land by moving in
FELICIA FONSECA Associated Press The U.S. Department of Energy on Tuesday announced a new kind of
Infrastructure improvements are on the way to address the monstrous amounts of polluted stormwater d
SUMAN NAISHADHAM Associated Press U.S. officials on Monday declared the first-ever water shortage
You know the only thing worse than seeing trash littered all over the beach? It’s reading yet another preachy post ...
Associated Press Drought-stricken California has shut down one of its largest hydroelectric plants
Matthew Hall SMDP Editor The fallout over a sewage spill into the Santa Monica bay has reached fede
Several Santa Monica beaches are under a warning from the County Department of Public Health for elevated bacteria levels but ...
Santa Monica’s drinking water continues to meet or exceed all safety standards but the persistent