Governor’s vaccine plan aims to reopen California classrooms
JANIE HAR and JOCELYN GECKER, Associated Press California released a new plan Thursday outlining ho
JANIE HAR and JOCELYN GECKER, Associated Press California released a new plan Thursday outlining ho
Los Angeles County has reached the case count threshold to reopen elementary schools, however Santa
COLLIN BINKLEY and MIKE STOBBE, Associated Press The nation's top public health agency said Friday that in-person schooling can resume ...
With a greater percentage of the general public set to receive COVID-19 vaccinations in the coming w
CAROLYN THOMPSON, Associated Press Parents of schoolchildren learning from home shouldn't necessarily count on reclaiming the dining room table any ...
As L.A. County approaches the new case count threshold for elementary school reopening, SMMUSD is wo
As Covid-19 cases continue to decrease, L.A. County could reach the threshold to reopen schools for
With Governor Newsom rescinding state stay-at-home orders on Monday, L.A. County officials announced
SMMUSD has begun limited in-person services and is gathering further input from students, staff, and
In light of the current rise in COVID-19 cases, SMMUSD Superintendent Ben Drati will discuss the Dis