Nonprofits gain funding from unusual source: Marijuana sales
JIM RENDON of The Chronicle of Philanthropy The Chronicle of Philanthropy Nonprofits have an unexp
JIM RENDON of The Chronicle of Philanthropy The Chronicle of Philanthropy Nonprofits have an unexp
Since The We Are Santa Monica Fund was created in spring 2020, more than $1.1 million has been donat
A group of students have been organizing donations to nonprofits over the past few weeks. The group
In recent weeks, a number of organizations and nonprofits have stepped up to declare “Black Lives
The SAM Initiative made several donations recently, See Page 2 for more information.
In an effort to reduce congestion and pollution on local streets, the city of Santa Monica and the L
JANET McCONNAUGHEY Associated Press Projects to protect Texas marshes from erosion and an Alaska v
Bank of America has announced more than $2.4 million in grants to 84 Los Angeles nonprofits that will advance economic ...
A group of Westside philanthropists has pledged more than $170,000 to three local nonprofits that help young adults who have ...
Utility boxes in the Lincoln, Montana and Ocean Park areas are going to get an exterior upgrade thanks to a ...