The last year and a half has been a challenging time for law enforcement agencies around the nation, including the Santa Monica Police Department. Although the events of May 30th and May 31st, 2020 are historic moments in our community, they do not define who we are as a police department or the quality of the women and men who serve our community.
Everyone views the events of May 30th and May 31st in hindsight and through their own lenses. The leadership of the Santa Monica Police Department recognized missteps in its response, and took immediate actions to remedy shortcomings. In the weeks and months following May 31st, the Santa Monica Police Department worked quickly to, among other things, enhance the quality of our intelligence gathering and mutual aid capabilities and formalize our protocols. I am proud of the improvements we have made, and the merits of those enhancements have been demonstrated in our responses to subsequent events within our city. I am confident that this department is well prepared to address any potential challenges that may arise in the future.
The OIR Group’s independent evaluation utilized a mixed method methodology for this report including interviews, document and digital review, and community outreach. They came to their own independent conclusions and provided 44 recommendations to the city. I, along with the entire Santa Monica Police Department, will continue to work hand-in-hand with our residents and the newly formed police oversight commission to implement these recommendations, to serve our community with pride, and to keep Santa Monica safe.
Darrick Jacob, Deputy Chief of Police