A message from Mayor Ted Winterer on pedestrian safety
There have been several pedestrian-vehicle collisions in the last month and as we roll into our busy summer months, we want to remind you to be vigilant about road safety.
There are many options to get around in Santa Monica, which is why so many of us love it here. Whether you’re driving, walking, biking, skating, or scooting, we all need to be aware of our surroundings and put safety first.
We are all pedestrians at one point or another during the day so be alert at all times and follow the rules of the road.
Driving carries with it the very serious responsibility of ensuring the safety of those around you. Santa Monica is a bustling community with many pedestrians and cyclists at all hours of the day and it is essential to remain attentive. At times, pedestrians and cyclists can be unpredictable, which is all the more reason to proceed with caution. Even if you have the right-of-way, make good choices, which may prevent a serious or fatal crash with a pedestrian.
The Santa Monica I know is a community that cares. It is a community that looks out for one another. Please, drive safely and let's all do our part to keep Santa Monica safe.
In 2016, City Council adopted the Pedestrian Action Plan to focus on making walking easier in Santa Monica. For more information and to review the Pedestrian Action Plan, please visit www.smgov.net/walk.