Having attended the special council meeting on Thursday night (Feb.21) as a listening member of the audience. I was appalled by the arrogance of council members to allow this pre-determined charade to take place at all. Their decision to appeal the courts ruling favoring district elections was decided days if not weeks before this needless meeting took place. It was obvious by the lack of interest, eating and texting by council during public comments that none were relevant to their pre-determined decision to appeal.
It was quite clear by the lack of even an abstention at vote time, that they had all made this choice ages ago. Yet they continue to beat the drum and sing the "mantra of democracy" of how at-large elections are the only way to manage this incredibly diverse city ! If that were the case, then I suppose we should select all our state Assembly members, board of supervisors and EVEN house members in congress by at-large elections. After all one size fits all, right ? Wrong!
The reason we need districts here in SM is the same reason millions of other Americans are represented by geo-political districts across the state. We all have different needs and the Pico neighborhood has been a dumping ground by the city for decades without a voice.
I feel I should know a little about this as my home was removed for the 10 freeway in the '60's. Who was our district representative then?
I am livid at the contempt this and past councils have shown toward it's citizens and the arrogance of them to put us through this most recent charade. We are fed-up with the pandering to developers and neglect to the neighborhoods. I support districts. The choice to appeal is an insult to the caring citizens of this great city especially the Pico Neighborhood.
Stephen Lancaster
Santa Monica